Is Your Web Site Creating Value For Your Customers?

Tuesday, August 25th 2009

Web sites can be fabulous lead generation and sales conversion tools. But existing customers are already believers in your products. Why should you cater to them?

Customer acquisitions cost money.  More likely than not, it costs you more to gain a new customer than to keep one.  So, it makes sense to take the time to do a superb job in creating value for your customers.  Make them happy.  Keep them loyal.  Your company web site is a great place to start building value for your current customers.

One of the top reasons businesses create web sites is to raise awareness of their products and services and to market them to potential customers.  Indeed, if planned and implemented well, web sites have repeatedly been proven to be a competitive advantage in attracting new customers.


  1. Give your customers what they need to take full advantage of your products.  Identify information they need to know to get the best results from your products and services. Create questions and answers written in a language they understand - i.e., no geek talk targeted to the technically superior folks.
  2. Get them in touch with your people who can help them. Your customer service and technical support staff may be the best resources to provide added understanding of your customers' issues and to provide needed handholding.
  3. Help your customers take care of your products.  If your products need regular care and maintenance, explain the ser­vice schedule.  Help your customers spot problems, and suggest remedies and products that will alleviate the situation.
  4. Help your customers find related products and services.  If you have trusted sources that provide related prod­ucts and services your customers also need, make them available to your customers.
  5. Create an online customer service centre.  If this centre is packed with use­ful, relevant information, and is only available to your customers, they will feel especially well-treated.
  6. Customize the information just for your customers.  If the sales and communications volume justify the budget, consider creating an online database in which your customers can look up information and resources specific to their needs.
  7. Introduce your customers to one an­other.  Often, a customer's best resource is another user who may face similar issues.
  8. Create visibility for you customers. Are your customers other businesses?  Help promote their businesses and give them great PR by recognizing them on your web site.

These 8 strategies have been proven to generate web site traffic, increase sales per customer, streamline customer support, and enhance customer relations. Happy customers who love your prod­ucts and services are your best allies.

To make these 8 strategies successful in your company, you must also make sure these three steps are taken.  First, be sure the information you offer on your web site is current and up-to-date.  Outdated information not only shows sloppiness, it also frustrates your customers and tarnishes the confidence they have in you.

Second, make sure the site is super-easy to use.  Put some energy into un­derstanding how your customers find and use the information. Demonstrate to your customers that you are serious about taking care of their business, and they will take core of yours.